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Protecting Your Children During A Divorce

protect children during divorce

Divorce is an epic split, often resulting in sadness, bitterness, anger and more. With all the rage, guilt and other terrible feelings, it’s easy for a couple to fight over just about everything, including the children.

But what happens to those children as they see their parents fight about what they “deserve?” While your love for your spouse may have changed, your love for your children has not.

Make divorce as easy on your children as possible by avoiding these mistakes:

5 Mistakes to Avoid

  1. Don’t assume they don’t know. Kids aren’t stupid. They can tell when mom and dad aren’t happy with each other, even if they try to fake it. Do whatever you can to create a peaceful relationship and peaceful environment for your child during this time.
  2. Don’t make the child a messenger. Children should not be put in the middle of your fight, carrying or voicing messages from one to the other.
  3. Don’t speak negatively about the other parent. You may loathe your ex-spouse and wish he/she were dead. But that’s your child’s mom/dad you’re talking about. Your child/ren still want and need both parents and still love you both. Plus, children know they are the product of both parents and may think they have inherited some of the evil you’re talking about.
  4. Don’t talk about money with the kids. They don’t need to know that one parent is late with child support or that child support payments aren’t enough. Money is your business and the children don’t need to be worried about it.
  5. Be an adult. Behave maturely. Don’t get into texting wars. Don’t turn everything into a fight. And when you need to discuss something with your ex, do so away from the children.

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