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Custody Tips For Dads

father and son on a hammock

For Dads, custody can be difficult to win, even though the courts do not discriminate against dads. Whether you are a father going for full custody or joint custody, you should be prepared for a difficult child custody battle, especially if the child’s mother is also filing for custody.

Consider the following tips to help yourself gain custody. These are a few suggestions to help fathers stay involved in their child’s life.

  1. Pay Child Support Payments – Don’t skip any payments. If your circumstances have changed, report it immediately.
  2. Build a Strong Relationship – Be there for your children. Actions speak louder than words. Don’t punish your children because you are mad at your ex.
  3. Maintain Accurate Records – Emails, texts, school, and medical records are all important. 
  4. Attend Important School and Social Gatherings – Take lots of pictures. Donuts for Dads, Father-Daughter Dances. These are important to your child. They want to feel included.
  5. Prepare a Space For Your Child in Your Home – It’s their home too, have your child help decorate so they feel at home and it’s their own space.
  6. Have a Plan – Are you ready for custody? Where will your child go after school? Babysitters? Activities?
  7. Be Respectful to your ex especially during exchanges. Your child is watching or listening. Do not argue at an exchange.
  8. Be Honest With Yourself – Is this something you can do? Parenting is 24/7 and there isn’t any sick or time off. Please make sure you are ready. 
  9. When in Doubt, Ask Someone Wiser Than You – Your Attorney won’t steer you wrong!!
  10. Consider Mediation or Arbitration. Custody doesn’t’ have to end up in court if you are both willing to come together to work out a plan that is best for your child’s best interests.

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