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Ways a parent can help their child through a divorce

Children of divorced parents in North Carolina often have a hard time understanding their parents’ decision to separate. Many children develop unhealthy thought patterns after the divorce when they start blaming themselves or taking sides with one parent. Parents can help their children through this difficult time by refraining from negative talk about the other parent and reminding their child that the divorce is not their fault.

During a divorce, many children blame themselves for the breakup of their parents’ relationship. A divorced parent should make sure that their child knows that things like the child’s bad behavior, bad grades and refusal to eat vegetables at dinner time had absolutely nothing to do with the divorce. Children of divorced parents also want to hear that both of their parents love them and always will.

Another way that divorced parents can help their children after a divorce is by finding a way to co-parent. Co-parenting can be difficult for divorced parents because it requires them to communicate with each other regularly. However, children will likely experience less stress during the divorce if they know that their relationship with both parents will continue and they will be able to contact both of their parents whenever they want to.

A parent who is going through a divorce may want to talk to a lawyer about their expectations for a child custody arrangement. A lawyer may be able to help the parent understand what factors a judge considers when making a child custody ruling and what outcome the parent can expect. A lawyer may also be able to help the parent improve their chances of achieving their desired outcome by presenting a strong argument for a particular custody arrangement.


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