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Celebrating Diversity: The Modern Family Landscape

diverse family with child

The days of families fitting certain criteria are long gone. Diversity is an important aspect of the modern family structure and is worth celebrating, especially during observances like the International Day of Families in May.  Although diverse family structures are part of all aspects of society, they don’t always experience fair treatment. Legal protections for … Read more

Triangle Divorce Lawyers 2018 Spring Equinox Event

Please spend the day with us

One of the most valuable assets a law firm can provide to its client, other than legal advice, is a list of trusted referral partners who have proven themselves to past clients and dedicated themselves to providing the best customer service and experience for the clients that are personally referred to them. Triangle Divorce Lawyers … Read more

Losing the Dead Weight for the New Year!

January is the time for New Year’s Resolutions, and if you are like me, weight loss is at the top of your list. By all means, proceed with the usual weight loss goals, but this year also make plans to drop a different type of weight… the emotional dead weight that may be holding you … Read more

Out with the old and in with the new this Thanksgiving

By Triangle Divorce Lawyers of Triangle Divorce Lawyers on Monday, November 2, 2015. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite times of year. It is a day out of the hustle and bustle of normal fast-paced life to be with family and give thanks for everything you have, and in some cases, give thanks to what … Read more

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