Bankruptcy and Divorce in North Carolina

If someone is considering a divorce as well as a bankruptcy filing, it’s important that he or she determines which action to take first. Individuals who file for bankruptcy at the wrong time could end up on the hook for a spouse’s debts, even if they have discharged their own. Whether it’s better to start … Read more

Boxes, Bows and Gifts to the Marriage

By Matthew Jackson The holidays are generally a time of family togetherness, merriment, and gift exchanges. Because of the traditions and hustle and bustle of the holiday season, many clients wait to seek legal services until after the holidays. Yet, it is commonly realized well before the New Year that a separation/divorce may be looming. … Read more

Dealing with alimony

When people divorce in North Carolina, alimony or spousal support may be an issue. In many cases, one spouse will be ordered to make monthly alimony payments to the other, and these payments may be ordered on either a time-limited or an indefinite basis. Courts consider a number of factors when determining whether to order … Read more

Dean McDermott behind on alimony payments to ex-wife

North Carolina residents may have heard about the marital problems of Tori Spelling and her husband Dean McDermott. After the two actors were married in 2005, they allowed reality television cameras to film their lives. In 2013, McDermott admitted that he had cheated on Spelling, and he checked into a drug and alcohol rehab facility. … Read more

Out with the old and in with the new this Thanksgiving

By Triangle Divorce Lawyers of Triangle Divorce Lawyers on Monday, November 2, 2015. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite times of year. It is a day out of the hustle and bustle of normal fast-paced life to be with family and give thanks for everything you have, and in some cases, give thanks to what … Read more

Forensic accountants and high asset divorce

The use of forensic accountants in high asset divorces is on the rise in North Carolina and around the country. Part of the reason for this trend is that wealthy couples are divorcing at an increased rate. Forensic accountants can help a court divide assets by providing a clear picture of what is available to … Read more

Actress and billionaire agree to settle custody dispute

North Carolina parents who are embroiled in a child custody dispute might take heart in the reality that these issues can affect anyone, including the rich and famous. Such is the case with movie actress Uma Thurman and her former fiancé Arpad Busson regarding their 3-year-old daughter. Ms. Thurman and the billionaire Frenchman had been … Read more

Modifying support orders in North Carolina

There may be North Carolina residents who can benefit from understanding more about the laws governing alimony. According to state statute, an alimony order may be modified if either party can show a significant change in circumstances. Once the recipient is determined to be engaged in cohabitation or has remarried, the support order is terminated. … Read more

Social media and child custody issues

North Carolina parents who are going through a divorce and negotiating child custody matters should be aware of a recent ruling that might set a precedent for the way social media posts are used in custody battles. The ruling involved using a Facebook profile as evidence in a custody dispute. Courts in custody cases give … Read more

Kelly Rutherford’s child custody case

A California judge has ruled that the state does not have jurisdiction to hear Kelly Rutherford’s custody case. For child custody cases in North Carolina and other states, children must have some connection with the state in order for a court to have jurisdiction. In Rutherford’s case, the children had only spent about a week … Read more

Kardashian breakup raises child custody questions

North Carolina celebrity watchers may already be aware of the breakup between Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick, who had three children together. There has been speculation regarding the likelihood of a custody battle between the two, as well as regarding the potential impact of Disick’s rumored substance abuse on the outcome of any such case. … Read more

Prenuptial agreement guides divorce of Google co-founder

A person in North Carolina contemplating a high-asset divorce could learn from the quiet and seemingly uncontroversial divorce made final between one Google co-founder and his wife. This high-profile couple had been married for eight years, and their prenuptial agreement likely spared them a public battle over marital assets. The co-founder is reportedly worth about … Read more

Financial considerations for divorce

People in North Carolina who are going through a divorce should avoid some common financial mistakes. One of the more significant ones is not knowing enough about the family finances or where assets are located. An individual who cannot get this information from a spouse may wish to go to a forensic accountant for assistance. … Read more

The problems of international child abductions

Child custody and visitation disputes are often a major concern of North Carolina parents when they go through a divorce. While most of these issues are resolved, some parents take the extreme action of taken the child to another country in violation of a court order. According to the U.S. State Department, more than 8,000 … Read more

Child custody for grandparents and other loved ones

Retaining custody of a child is not always an exclusive privilege of a parent. North Carolina grandparents, extended family members, or others who have a relationship with a child who is not biologically or legally theirs may be eligible for seeking custody of the child. Under certain circumstances, and if the individual can prove that … Read more

Seeking emergency temporary custody

Not all North Carolina couples who decide that it is time to get a divorce make the decision amicably. In some cases that involve children, one parent may fear for the safety of their child or fear that the other parent may inhibit them from visiting their child. If there are serious threats, a parent … Read more

North Carolina child custody and relocation

A custodial parent is generally not permitted to simply leave with any children in their custody, regardless of the reason. In divorce cases where children are involved, there is typically a clause that specifies that a custodial parent may not relocate outside of a given radius or area, must give a certain amount of notice … Read more

Overview of parenting agreements

Some parents in North Carolina who are going through a divorce or separation are usually able to agree on a custody arrangement outside of court. Many reach an agreement about child custody through informal negotiations while other parents use more formal mediation or collaborative law processes to settle their issues. Once an agreement about child … Read more

Post-divorce retirement planning

Amid the stresses of a divorce, it is easy to put retirement planning on the back burner. However, divorce leaves spouses with altered financial circumstances that can affect retirement security. Whereas in marriage each spouse had the benefit of sharing household expenses and combining investment assets, divorce necessitates the maintenance of separate households with higher … Read more

Making a parenting plan outside of court

If you and your spouse have minor children and are getting a divorce, you have to work out with whom your children will live and who has decision-making power regarding major decisions about their lives. In North Carolina, amicably agreeing to a parenting plan can save you from going to court and accumulating a high … Read more

Changing a custody order in North Carolina

As the lives and circumstances of divorced parents change, child custody orders may be changed also so that as you and your children grow and change, so can the terms of your child custody order. The law allows parents to request modifications to previously issued child custody and visitation orders in certain situations. In order … Read more

Virtual visitation is possible child custody matters

North Carolina is one of the first states in the country that have passed statutes giving courts the freedom to use virtual visitation when settling child custody issues. Several other state governments are looking at electronic communication tools as an option for parent-and-child visits, and they are considering laws to facilitate virtual visitations. Family courts … Read more

Actor Gary Oldman facing another divorce

North Carolina residents may have heard that actor Gary Oldman will be getting divorced for the fourth time. The actor married his current wife, a singer, in 2008. Mr. Oldman’s wife filed the petition in Los Angeles County Superior Court on Jan. 9, citing irreconcilable differences. Although the petition lists the date of separation as … Read more

Actions to enforce alimony orders in North Carolina

There are some cases in North Carolina in which a person who was ordered to pay a former spouse alimony either falls delinquent or refuses to pay at all. In those cases, the law provides several remedies for the intended recipient to utilize in order to collect the amounts rightfully owed to them. Upon notification … Read more

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